Friday, February 12, 2010

Getting Adjusted and another Cyclone

Well, I have been back home 4 days and I am finally feeling normal again.  Was having a hard time getting adjusted again.  I had heard people talk about jetlag and to be honest I thought it was a bit overplayed.  But, I am a believer now.  This was my first long trip and I really felt it.  Oh well, at least things are going in the right direction now.

I have been doing my best to try and keep up with what is going on back in American Samoa.  I received an email from Elaine and Larry our incident commanders that are still on the island that there is a cyclone headed their way.  I have been following it throughout the day and finally decided to Skype them and see if I could get through.  I spoke with Larry and he said it hadn't hit them yet, but it looks like it will at 9pm local time (that is 1:00am our time).  The reports are rain and wind around 75 miles per hour.  Please pray for their safety and the safety of all of the people on the island.  We are hoping that this does not create too much damage as you know they are still rebuilding from the tsunami.  A lot of people are still living in the FEMA tents that are not anchored down to anything.  People could lose everything again.

I will be trying to contact them in the morning to see how things are.  I will let you know what I hear.

God Bless and Good Night.... Billy


  1. now I don't remember any brisket, but the corned beef and cabbage was very good. and after sampling everything you mentioned if there was more there was no room to try it. lol
    must be your youth to recover in 4 days, I just saw marvin this morning and us old men are still lagging. I still think you missed out on the shrimp. nothing about the beatle? don.

  2. I am a NC Baptist teacher who is trying to connect with work in Samoa after I complete a VBS project in Hawaii in June. I loved reading about your work trip in Samoa. Our NC Partnership with the Hawaii-Pacific has ended, so I am asking around to find a volunteer opportunity. As a teacher, I am happy to spend time with kids in learning or play, and as the kid of a builder I also can support construction work. I have supported Seafarers Ministry and Am Sam Baptist Academy with materials in past years. Any names and contact info for work needs in June for 3-5 people appreciated.
